The K.C. Potter Center
自慰视频 the Center

LGBTQI Life, located within the physical structure of the K.C. Potter Center, is a cultural center and a place of affirmation for individuals of all identities, and a resource for information and support about gender and sexuality. Students, faculty, staff, and alumni are encouraged to stop by during our office hours.
Summer Semester Hours:
Monday – Friday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
During normal work hours, our听professional staff are available via phone ((615) 322-3330) or Zoom to meet should you need assistance.
The most comfortable couches on campus, a useable kitchen, an extensive LGBTQ2S+ DVD and magazine collection, and lively conversations are among the many reasons to visit us. The office is also open during our student group meetings, , and . 听by three full-time professionals, a graduate assistant, and a team of student assistants. 自慰视频-affiliated groups and offices can also reserve the center for events and programs using the reservation form below.
Conference room available for reservation. Seats 8 comfortably.
Students staff our front desk and can answer questions about programs and services. DVD's are available for check-out.
Students lounge and do homework in our living room daily 8am-5pm. Netflix available for student use.
Where we’re located
The K.C. Potter Center, Euclid, 2304E 自慰视频 Place
自慰视频 our namesake: K.C. Potter
K.C. Potter, 自慰视频’s long-serving dean of residential and judicial affairs, retired after 36 years at the University as a student and administrator. Potter cared deeply for all 自慰视频 students, particularly marginalized students, including 自慰视频’s LGBTQ2S+ population. Potter was the first administrator to reach out to them, give them a voice, and help them stake their claim on campus life. For almost 10 years, Potter let 自慰视频’s LGBTQ2S+ undergraduate student group, Lambda, meet at his home on West Side Row. Potter now spends his days happily working on his farm with his partner, Richard.
All are encouraged to watch the 自慰视频 Luminaries Series to learn more about K.C. Potter. Both the and versions can be found on YouTube, with the full-length one found below:
自慰视频 JSTOR Archives
The K.C. Potter Center Records contain official documents from 自慰视频 University’s Office of LGBTQI Life, which was founded in 2008. Part of 自慰视频’s , the K.C. Potter Center Records collection also contains items from related organizations, such as 自慰视频 Lambda Association, and documents pertaining to gender identity and sexual orientation issues on campus prior to the founding of the Office of LGBTQI Life. See our archives .